Concurso AIBot Experience
Este próximo 5 de junio hemos sido seleccionados para la final del concurso AIBOT Experience. Un trabajo que llevamos desarrollando durante las tardes durante varios meses, con alumnado de 3º, 4º, 5º y 6º de primaria. Hemos desarrollado dos maquetas interactivas del Parque de las Ciencias con Inteligencia Artificial a través de Machine Learning e impresión 3D. Buen trabajo de mis chicos y chicas!!!
Os dejamos el video que hemos preparado presentando nuestro proyecto:
AIBot Experience Contest
This coming June 5th we have been selected for the final of the AIBOT Experience contest. A work that we have been developing during the afternoons for several months, with students from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade of primary school. We have developed two interactive models of the Science Park with Artificial Intelligence through Machine Learning and 3D printing. Good work by my boys and girls!!!
Here is the video that we have prepared presenting our project: